The Journey on Park Avenue

A church in the midst of Holy-Spirit inspired transition

“Church” is being re-imagined and re-designed to
help folks make progress on their spiritual journey. Join us on this adventure and perhaps find a deeper understanding of what life is all about and along the way develop a personal relationship with that unseen force in the universe we call God.

Helping people find

Jesus is our priority


The Barna Research Group (America’s foremost authority on what is happening in our churches) recently concluded that the overwhelming majority of people who come to a genuine understanding of Jesus and who then accept His offer of forgiveness, do so between the ages of 4 and 14.

Therefore, it is critically important that the contemporary church gear itself towards young families and particularly children.


The messages are inspirational, educational, Spirit- filled and often entertaining (although that is never their main purpose).


Check out our currently planned events and activities. Not a part of the congregation? Feel free to stop by and learn a little more about our community!


Our church is host to a number of ministries geared to provide spiritual growth and services from within and without.

Children’s Ministries

The next steps in religious education

The rooms where we have our children’s ministry have been completely remodeled to accommodate a novel way of presenting Bible stories. Kids are being taught the classic stories of the Bible using four different learning styles in four different environments [computer room, movie theater, craft room and kitchen] on four consecutive weeks. This is known as the Workshop Rotation Method (often abbreviated as W.O.R.M.)

A service meant for you


Probably the most important aspect of church that folks take into consideration when deciding where to go to church is the preaching. It’s absolutely true that one can watch any number of high-profile preachers online and there are some very good ones there but sitting in your living room in your shorts watching someone online is not the same as being in God’s house on God’s Day with God’s people. In that environment, often something special happens which is one of the values of corporate worship. We are told in the New Testament to “come together” on a regular basis to support each other and to worship/experience God together. God tells us to do that because it leads to the best life possible.

The preaching you will hear at The Journey is teaching oriented – meaning, every week you come you will have the opportunity to learn something new. You won’t just hear religious phrases strung together and you won’t hear the same things you have heard about the same scripture passages ad infinitum. The Bible will be explained from the perspective of the culture in which it was written and passages will take on new meanings when they are put in their first century context.

Our Pastor

Dave Richardson

The pastor at The Journey is Dave Richardson. He is married to his college sweetheart, Pam and has been for almost 51 years. They have three grown sons and six grandchildren (all who unfortunately, live far away!)

If you are interested in visiting a house of God that’s changing the world by listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit, if you want to bring your children to a house of God where they will be excited and energized about Jesus and if you want to hear the Word of God taught in a way that is faithful to the original text in its original language but done so in a practical way that has the potential to be a life-changer…

Come visit
The Journey on Park Avenue 

Come with your children a few times, experience what the Spirit is doing here and then prayerfully ask Him to tell you whether this is the place He is leading you to worship, serve, and grow. If it is, stay; if it isn’t keep searching for where He is leading you.